Feature Writing Goals -- Achieved?

Week 1:
A goal I have for Feature Writing this term is to be able to write more conclusively. I feel as though some times I have too many ideas on where the story goes that I cant always make a cohesive piece. Another goal I have for Feature Writing is to become more comfortable at interviewing and be able to make my interviewees comfortable. One last goal I have is to be able to come up with more interesting questions.

Week 10:
I do believe my stories are more conclusive. I have written pieces that I've been genuinely interested in and pieces I really couldn't care less about, and it seems that I'm at my best when I'm actually passionate about what I'm writing about. There is nothing better than getting into a writing grove, words flying from fingers to page with barely enough time to breath. And there is nothing worse than muddling through a piece you just want to get over with. When you've got the passion, you know the story and you know exactly what you want to say through it. I am more comfortable walking up to strangers and asking them deeply personal questions. I am also more comfortable getting turned away, even if its still embarrassing. I still don't come up with good questions, and am fairly bad at not taking, so those goals have not been met.


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