Leatherneck to Learner: Profile on Mathew Ward

Matthew Ward

Laughter is the first thing you hear when entering LBCC’s Veterans Center. On closer examination though, while laughter is the most prominent sound, it isn't the most important.

In every corner and on every mismatched couch sits a veteran, all unique in their experiences, and yet distinctly connected. They yell and argue like old friends, even though many of them have only just met.

The Veterans Center is a safe haven for all, and continues to be the place where they all come in between classes to study and be social.

One of the more prominent voices, standing out through all of the chit and chatter, is Matthew Ward.

“It's nice not to be around teenagers all the time, the Veterans Center is full of people at similar places in their lives,” Ward said.

Ward is an engineering major, and as comfortable in the Veterans Center as he is at home with his wife, and 11-month old daughter.

Ward spent five years in the Marine Corps stationed in Kaneohe, Hawaii.

“Don't get me wrong, I don't want people to think I am a war vet. I was a helicopter mechanic, and spent most of my time surfing,” said Ward, who then went on to express how hard it was to move to a place with an ocean as cold as the Oregon Coast.

Ward misses the structure that the military gave him.

“One of the hardest things about being out of the military is having to worry about civilian duties, like paying bills and scheduling things,” along with the mission. “Doing something with a purpose, something you believe in, inspires you to work hard.”

Now what inspires Ward most is his 11-month old daughter.

“I want to create a better world for her, I want to see her smile,” he said, “I don't care if she’s the smartest person in the room, I just hope she’s always smiling.”

Ward and his family found their way to Albany when his wife got accepted to OSU, so he decided to start out his schooling at LBCC. He’s not entirely sure where he’s going to end up, but is excited to explore LBCC and find out what this next chapter of his life holds.

Ward’s favorite class for this term has been his Cultural Anthropology class. “It really makes me think,” he said. The instructor, Lauren Visconti, feels the same, describing Ward as “incredibly engaging, genuinely curious and knows how to respectfully question everything.”

Anyone who has shared a class with Ward has heard his out-of-the-box thinking and experienced his outspoken nature.

A diamond in the rough, Ward is one of a kind, “a gem of a student,” Visconti said.

His voice can often be heard laughing and talking with those around him, whether in a classroom, in the Veterans Center or walking along in the courtyard. At first glance, Ward may appear just like everyone else, but as soon as you see him raise his hand in class and hear him question something, you know he’s not.

At a Glance:
Matthew Ward
Age: 23
Military Service: Marine Corps
Education: Engineering Major
Goals: “A happy life”


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