Photographer of the Week: Sebastiao Salgado

                                                        Photographer of the week

Sebastiao Salgado was born in 1944 in Aimores Brazil. He had grown up in an environment where the forest he was raised in was twice the size of France, with a quarter of the population. Sebastiao was surrounded by nature and poverty his whole life, giving insight onto his his work. He describes his connection with photography as his "mother tongue" which shows how deep the connection really is.

He has started his career as a economist, until the 1970's when he decided to become a photographer.
What stands out most in Sebastiaos photos is the emotions they evoke. He is a conscious photographer, shooting pictures of poverty, war, famine, political oppression, and industrialization. His claim to fame came with his willingness to show you the reality of the situations many people find themselves in. His work is true and honest and very emotional. A picture has the ability to shape the way we view a situation and a certain community, and that is strongly displayed in his portraits. Another key aspect of Sebastiao's photographs is that they are only shot in black and white. A unique testimony to his overall feelings of the situations he photographs.

                              Image result for sebastiao salgado


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